The atmosphere in Delhi is getting cloudy day after day, the skies are cloudy but your vision doesn't have to be. As age progresses people need cataract surgery for improving their vision.
Cataract surgery is an extremely common and safe procedure that most people need at some point in their life. The procedure itself is quite simple, yet we all meet people that are not fully satisfied with the results that cataract surgery has yielded. A lot of people complain of poor vision even after surgery and many more complain of the heavy glasses they have to wear even after the surgery. There are innovations made every day in the world of cataract. These advancements in medical science are aimed at improving the vision of those that have undergone cataract surgery.
When it comes to innovations in cataract surgery, one stands apart in having improved the vision and lives of several thousand people across the globe. That innovation is the Toric lens. It is a special type of lens that is inserted into your eye during surgery. During surgery, the doctor simply removes the cloudy natural lens of your eye and replaces it with a brand new toric lens. This lens then goes on to ensure that your vision stays as clear and true as possible.
This technology is quite revolutionary, however, not a lot of doctors make it available for their patients here in Delhi. The reason being the level of skill that is required to do the procedure. The level of accuracy needed is quite high.
However, the Toric lens makes it worthwhile with the superior vision it provides and the joy and satisfaction it gives to the patients that use it.
In conclusion, cataract surgery is a common procedure but to get a lasting benefit from this surgery, be sure to adopt the best form of treatment. If you or anyone you know needs cataract surgery, reach out and we'll provide you with the best in class treatment right here in the city of Delhi.
Reviwed By: Dr Neera Agarwal
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